Monday, June 11, 2007

Love me some 27 things

'27 things' has been a really good experience. I don't know that I will use a lot of what I learned basically because I don't know if I retained any of the information. I know that its out there and I know where to find it...and I could find it better if I was good with acronyms.
Few of the lessons helped bring out my inner dork (which I love) a relationship that I have missed. I think the first blog posting I mentioned something about "not having to ask my husband anything yet". Well, now I can show him a thing or two ...and he is all "I'm a computer guy give me some candy"... I'm definitely gonna keep this up.

Podcast Race

I try to listen to artist lecture series podcasts from MoMA and other museums....I hope that I'm absorbing information because I have a really short attention span. I start feeling like I'm listening to the adults in Charlie Brown cartoons... "wha waaa waa wahhh wahh". Yes, in general I think that podcasts are groovy. Groovier when I have had coffee and am sitting in a white room with my hands taped to the arms of a chair. But still groovy.

Play on Playa

Okay, now I'm getting excited for my playa...........Checked out the Libraries down loadable audio books. There is more there than I thought. Now if only there was a way to experience the joys of Scratch n Sniff.