Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Did I say O.C.D.? I think I meant A.D.D.

I like LibraryThing . It brings out the O.C.D. in me. Scanning the bookshelves in my office ( sounds like such a pretentious word for 'back bedroom with shelves, music gear and computer' - but is so much easier to say) I want to add EVERYTHING....the Pogo children's books from 19-er something, the Anne Rice books..Even the Peanuts cartoon catalog that my husband has been collecting since he was a kid. He has this thing for Snoopy. When he was a little boy he had a plastic snoopy mask that he loved. He would wear it all the time with a blanket tied around his neck for a cape (like you do). He became SUPER SNOOPY...then one sad day, the puppy that he had just got- chewed up his snoopy mask. I don't think that he has ever fully recovered....Shiny thing.....little off the topic.

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