Wednesday, April 25, 2007

'Rollyo'ut the barrel...

Sorry, it was either that or Rollyour own.

I am doing a couple of paintings fer some people that have a 'Pin Up' theme...I tend to do a lot of these paintings. I don't have live models (and the dead ones don't last that long) so I need to get references online. I usually look for old Hollywood pictures because the poses were more dramatic. I try to stay away from other "pin up" artists ...cuz well, that would be copying. I thought that I would apply lesson #18 of
kcls27things to my dilemma
I played around on Rollyo(ur own tee hee hee). I found it to be a little slow. Slow and red. I then tried Google....AWWWW Google...never lets me down. The first thing I noticed in the Google "make your own" is how there seems to be a wider search. On the very first page of the KCLS engine....there were references to other libraries that fit my search criteria....I realize that key words are plugged in when you sign up- it's just that Google seemed hipper....Here is a better example (than the mindless garbling I have been doing)...
My search engine is "Art References" key words were "Pin Up", "Old Hollywood" and "cowboys and Indians" (I do a lot of those paintings too- just in case you were wondering what Cowboys and Indians have to do with Pin Ups) Google search brought up Betty Page. Betty Page is a precise reference. Betty Page isn't one of my key words. Oh Lord, does this make any sense...or am I just in a typing delirium.
Long and short of it:

Rollyo= Red
Google= Good.

Betty Page= Good

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